Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is VSAT?

The term VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) is applied for a considerably large amount of equipment and systems. Among others, it is used for all professional space telecommunications equipment and, as a collective denomination, for all services that can be used with small (diameter less than 3 m) antennas. In a wider sense, all space telecommunications systems using VSAT stations are called VSAT systems.

How VSAT system works?

VSAT communications use geostationary satellites to convey data among terrestrial sites. Typically,

  • a VSAT inter-connects multiple remote sites via bi-directional digital satellite communications;
  • the VSAT Hub communicates with the customer central office network via secure and redundant direct link (closed network).

What are the components of the system?

A typical VSAT site consists the following equipment: a satellite antenna mounted on the building, outdoor unit connected by a coaxial cable to the satellite indoor unit inside the building. The indoor unit includes a modem which transfers the modulated/demodulated data through the satellite link and also a routing device which provides also the interface that connects directly to the customer’s remote equipment.

The antennas, outdoor- and indoor units are installed at the customer’s premise by Hungaro DigiTel’s subcontractors. The traffic is transferred through the deployed system.

Is the system reliable and secure?

VSAT networks are closed, independent from terrestrial communication infrastructure. Traffic congestion problems do not affect the quality of service. VSAT sites can be uniformly served, despite their locations (e.g. in ADSL networks speed varies with distance from service points). Additionally, VSAT networks are managed networks, specifically, VSAT systems enable the control of quality of service of the different services/applications, according to customers’ needs (e.g.: ensure high priority of voice and bank cards payments traffic).

Satellite data communications are well known for their reliability, even under adverse weather conditions (clearly different to satellite based TV systems where adverse weather conditions affect signal reception).

The closed nature of the system and its independency from terrestrial networks makes it inaccessible from the internet, therefore not reached by hackers. Additionally, the built-in encryption of the digital signals ensures a high level of security of VSAT communications.

What are VSAT used for?

VSAT systems generally connect a large number of geographically dispersed sites to a central location. VSAT networks may transmit Internet, voice, data, fax, or video conferencing over great distances regardless of topography and infrastructure.

Is the quality of the service affected by the weather conditions? Is VSAT similar to satellite TV?

Satellite data communications are well known for their reliability, even under adverse weather conditions as the particular weather conditions of the site location are taken into consideration in the design phase and more importantly due to the automatic adjustment of system parameters according to weather conditions (clearly different to satellite based TV systems where adverse weather conditions affect signal reception).

What happens in case of problem? What is the customer service availability?

Our high qualified and experienced service desk and engineering teams are available 24/7.
Their professional expertises ensure a solid technical support for the customers.